“Cooking” the books
Just like accountants have found ways to cook the books. There are a few ways you can fiddle the formula.
There are countless creative accounts that have cooked the books and got away with it but it is a high risk strategy and there are often consequences.
The eat it but don’t allow it to be assimilated strategies in no particular order are …
- throw it up i.e. bulimia
- Interfere with its ability to be absorbed e.g. orlisat
- Poo it out with the help of laxatives
A twist on this is change the size of the container so it can’t hold much which is what is seen with the surgical interventions such as a gastric bypass or gastric banding.
Or just to “chop off” the extra bits through procedures such as liposuction
The consequences of these strategies can range from losing a few friends to losing your life.