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Our Service Offering


Our Value Proposition


Dr Sandy is not a medical doctor, but has a PhD in Pharmacology  (the study of drugs), and has taught pharmacology to medical and science students for over 15 years.  She knows drugs in all their different forms, from traditional chemicals, to modern biopharmaceuticals, as well as the oldest drug of all, food.  

She knows how to explain complex scientific material in such a way that it can be understood by anyone.

Dr Sandy’s  presentation and speaking style is refreshingly informal and uniquely engaging. She involves her audience directly making complex issues understandable in a delightfully common-sense humorous manner. Her entertaining insights and delivery make her an unforgettable.

The insights and wisdom she shares represents a credibility born out of extensive academic research and profound personal experience.

Our pricing

Cheat the Fat Genes and health conversations

Individual consultations :  R 500.00 p/person

Groups of people :  R 350.00 p/person.   If you host a group of 5 or more people and attend for free.

Discounted  rates for

  • Groups > 10 people
  • School groups
  • Family groups

Fundraising opportunities for organizations.


Keynotes range from 20 min to 90 minutes. 

Rate depends on size of audience and length of programme.

 For price queries, e-mail